We value your experience and strive to provide you with the highest quality service at all times. We continuously review our practices to ensure your satisfaction. Your feedback, whether it’s a comment, complaint, or suggestion, is invaluable to us as it helps us improve our services.
1: Amwell Group Practice
You have several options to share your feedback with us.
- We have a comments book available in the waiting room where you can write down your thoughts.
- Alternatively, you can contact the Practice Manager in writing either by sending a letter to our practice address or by emailing us at amwellgrouppractice@nhs.net if you have a complaint.
Our practice has a well-defined complaints procedure, and you can find more information in the information leaflet available or at our reception. We encourage you to follow this procedure as it allows us the best opportunity to address any concerns and make necessary improvements. However, we understand that you may prefer to seek independent advice if you feel unable to raise your complaint with us or if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of our investigation.
2: North Central London Integrated Care Board
Starting from July 2023, if you wish to make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner, please contact the North Central London Integrated Care Board instead of NHS England. You can reach them at:
- Telephone: 020 3198 9743
- Email: nclicb.complaints@nhs.net
- Post: North Central London Integrated Care Board Complaints Team, Laycock PDC, Laycock Street, London, N1 1TH
If you have a formal complaint, we recommend attempting to resolve the issue directly with the provider first. However, if you remain dissatisfied with the resolution, you have the right to escalate your complaint further.
3: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
In such cases, you can appeal to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. However, please note that the Ombudsman can only assist if either the GP Practice or NHS England has completed their investigation or if your complaint remains unresolved after 6 months.
- Telephone: 0345 015 4033
- Email: phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
- Website: www.ombudsman.org.uk/making-complaint
According to the law, it is necessary to contact the Ombudsman within one year of the incident you are complaining about.
We appreciate your trust in our practice and assure you that we will do our best to address any concerns you may have.